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aAaB aCaD aEaF aGaH aIaJ aKaL aMaN aOaP aQaR aSaT aUaV aWaX aYaZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
BILT magna art 16
BODHI art +tree 41
BODY art 14
C CHITTA art +star 41
CATHAYA art silk 24
CC JMD art silk yarn 23
CHOWDHARY'S art no.666 TULI 23
DAG delhi art gallery 35
DAYAL 68 SERIES art brushes 16
DEEPAM art +lamp 14
DEVKA art 25, 35
DG foto art 9
DUKAN fine art & antiques 14
EDIT computer art pays 16
EKA art resource 35
EYE ON art 41
FARHA'S l'art nouveau 41
FARHA'S l'art nouveau +plan 14, 16
FEELINGS the art show +bird 14, 16
FIN d art +arrow 9, 35
FLEXO art industries 17
GAP gems & art plaza 14
GIGG'S art gallery 41
GREENSAND-art to science 42
GULF art fair 41
H HARMONY art show 16, 41, 42
HANSA art press +bird & sun 16
INADH indian national art 35
JOTIRANG music art institut 15
KAARU art everyday living 42
KADAM art +design 24
KAMAL digital photo art 40
KANHA art jewellery 14
LACE art +cartoon 24
LASER graphic art film 9
LIVING SPACES an art studio 20
M MANSA art of special even 29, 32
M mithila MADHUBANI art 16
MAHAVIR art & craft shop 35
MAHYCO art of leadership 31
MANYCO art of leadership 31
MASALA art 30
MICKY art 16
MONTEFIBRE digital art work 42
NB PHOTO art +flower 41
NIRMA art silk threads 23
NUVEAU art 16
PARSHWA art 25
PARTH the art of learning 41
PATNI art 16
PLATINUM ceramic art +arcs 19
PMP art science maintenance 9
RAASI art foundation 16
RAINBOW indian art collecto 35
ROUNAK art group 16
SAAOL science art of living 5
SACRED art 20
SAKOO art 25
SANFORD art and craft 20
SANICOS water art +arcs 11
SANSTACHE art gallery 35
SEERVEE art jewellery 35
SIAM art jewellery 14
SOBHA SINGH art gallery 16
SOHAM art 24
SOMA'S CLASSIC art paper 16
SONKA art activity 16
SONY art 26
SRI SRI the art of living 14, 16, 18, 27
SUYOG art material 16
T THEA the nail art studio 44
T&A thread & art +square 24
TAJ art silk +crown 23
TAO the way to art 20
TAPI textiles & art 26
TAPORI art 16
TAPTI collection of art 14
VARPA art jewellery 35
VIA art jewellery +plant 14
W western art +square 25
WALMUR-art 17
WELCO art 41
WONDER BAKE art of baking 30
XMA xtreme martial art 25
YOUNG-art 16
ZANASKAR art 14, 24
ZIBA-the art of mehndi 3, 16, 42
biella the art of excellenc 18
cotton art 24
elite COLLECTORS indian art 16
elite collectors indian art 35, 41
global ARTICULTURE art hous 20
retail art +bags 41
shivom mystic art gallery 35, 41
sri sri the art of living 3, 5
sri the art of living +bird 9
tanjore art gallery +god 16
the art of being EA elegant 23
u UJALA art jewellers 14
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